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Please make sure you’ve installed Decipher for your frontend before continuing.


Install the SDK

Decipher uses the Sentry SDK to collect runtime data from your application. Installation is simple:

dotnet add package Sentry -v 4.9.0

Initialize the SDK

Initialize the SDK as soon as possible in your application’s runtime.

SentrySdk.Init(options =>
    options.Dsn = "YOUR_DECIPHER_DSN"; // Get this at https://app.getdecipher.com/settings
    options.Debug = true;
    options.AutoSessionTracking = true;
    options.TracesSampleRate = 1.0f;
    options.ProfilesSampleRate = 1.0f;

You can get the Dsn parameter by logging into Decipher with your work email. On the Settings page, select a new project name and click “Create New Project”. Decipher will generate a DSN to that you can paste.


Test the integration

The SDK will automatically capture unhandled exceptions that are thrown. You can also capture errors by calling CaptureException explicitly.

using Sentry;
    throw null;
catch (Exception ex)

Check out the Decipher dashboard to see information about your captured error. Decipher will automatically analyze and group your errors to highlight the important, high-impact ones.