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Get your new DSN by creating a project in Decipher

Log in to Decipher with your work email. On the Organization Settings page, choose a project name and click “Create New Project”.

On the following screen, decide where you want to send data. We recommend choosing Decipher only to avoid double charges.

(Alternatively, you can have data sent to both Decipher and Sentry by choosing the other box. You’ll need to find your dsn from Sentry for this option.)

Decipher will give you a new dsn to copy and paste in the following step.


Update your Sentry initialization to use the new DSN and configuration


Test the integration

That’s it! Now test the integration by forcing an error anywhere in your app, e.g.

function Cart() {
    // ... existing code ...

    const handleError = () => {
        throw new Error("This is a test error for Decipher's Sentry integration.");

    return (
            <button onClick={handleError}>Trigger Error</button>
    // ... existing code ...

Check out the Decipher dashboard to see information about your captured error. Decipher will automatically analyze and group your usage and errors to highlight the important, high-impact bugs.