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You can choose to get started with Decipher by using the HTML script tag or via a package manager below.


Log in to Decipher AI and get your script to paste

Log in to Decipher with your work email. You will receive a snippet to paste into your HTML head, which will look something like the example below:

Initialization (copy and paste)
    dsn: "YOUR_DSN_FROM_DECIPHER", // This will be set for you once you're logged in.
    integrations: [
            maskAllText: false,
            blockAllMedia: false,
            maskAllInputs: true
    replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1.0,
    replaysSessionSampleRate: 1.0,
    tracesSampleRate: 1.0,

This should be pasted into your website’s HTML head as early as possible. You can configure some of the parameters (e.g. to adjust capture rate).


Identify Users

Identify users where user information is available in your application frontend, typically after authentication or login.

// Set user information in Decipher via the Sentry TypeScript SDK
  "email": "",  // Recommended identifier to set (can add others)
  "id": "your_internal_unique_identifier", // use if email not available
  "username": "unique_username", // use if email not available
  "account": "AcmeCo",  // Which account/organization is this user a member of?
  // Additional user information can be added here        

Once you’re done, simply use your website to validate that Decipher is collecting session replay data.

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