Disabling collection of Request Data

By default, Decipher collects Request bodies to enhance debugability. This can be disabled by updating the setup initialization:

For TypeScript/JavaScript

Set the excludeRequestBody boolean when initializing Decipher as below.

    // A codebase name of your choice to identify errors in Decipher.
    customerId: "MY_CUSTOMER_ID",
    excludeRequestBody: true

Decipher will no longer collect any request bodies.

Disabling local / non-production errors

By default, Decipher shows and alerts on all errors, including local ones. This can be changed by updating the setup initialization.

For TypeScript/JavaScript

Set the config field environment to anything other than "production" for environments in which errors that should not be shown/alerted on, when initializing Decipher as below.

This config field defaults to "production" if not explicitly set.

    // A codebase name of your choice to identify errors in Decipher.
    customerId: "MY_CUSTOMER_ID",
    environment: "dev" // or process.env.MY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE

Decipher will no longer show or alert on non-production errors.